Planned giving
help shape the future
By choosing to include the New River Land Trust in your will or other estate plans, you can help us continue to protect the farmland, forests, open spaces and historic places in Virginia’s New River region.
Generally, unless otherwise designated, all bequests and other estate gifts support the New River Land Trust’s endowment to fund our programs in perpetuity.
Wills and Living Trusts
Interested in helping the New River Land Trust with our mission but feel overwhelmed by the thought of writing another check or giving up your assets today? A simple, flexible and versatile way to ensure we can continue our work for years to come is a gift in your will or living trust, known as a charitable bequest.
By including a bequest to the New River Land Trust in your will or living trust, you are ensuring that we can continue our mission for years to come. Your gift also entitles your estate to an unlimited federal estate tax charitable deduction.
Beneficiary Designations
A beneficiary designation clearly identifies how specific assets will be distributed after your death. Just name the New River Land Trust as a beneficiary to receive assets such as retirement plans and life insurance policies after you’re gone. You simply fill out a form that is entirely separate from your will—which makes this approach an easy way to give.
Talk to your financial or legal advisor to learn which assets will or will not trigger taxable income when paid to a beneficiary.
Appreciated Stock
Appreciated stocks can also be donated to the donor’s financial benefit. If stock holders itemize deductions, the donor can get a tax deduction for the current value of the stock regardless of how much they originally paid for it. And they also avoid a potential future tax liability by not having to pay capital gains tax.
Real Estate
Real estate can be a personal residence, vacation home, timeshare property, farm, commercial property or undeveloped land. When you give us appreciated property you have held longer than one year, you get a federal income tax charitable deduction. You avoid paying capital gains tax. And you no longer have to deal with that property’s maintenance costs, property taxes or insurance.
Another benefit: You don’t have to hassle with selling the real estate. You can deed the property directly to the New River Land Trust or ask your attorney to add a few sentences in your will or trust agreement.
Questions? Contact us.